There is a number on each turnament 1-6, if you win the tournament you will move that many spaces on your board. Play proceeds to the left. Everyone moves up or down the Chuts and Ladders to try and reach the 100 block to win.

Going up a Ladder or down a Chute Ladders


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Any time a pawn ends its move on a picture square at the bottom of a ladder, that pawn must climb up to the picture square at the top of the ladder.
For example, if you end your move on square #9, you can immediately move up to square #31. Notice that the pictures on these two squares are related. The little boy who mows the lawn is rewarded for his job with a trip to the circus.

Any time a pawn ends its move on a picture square at the top of a chute, that pawn must slide down the chute to the picture square at the bottom of the chute. For example, if you end your move on square #49, you must immediately move down to square #11. Again, the pictures are related. Eating too many cookies can give you a tummy-ache! If your pawn ends its turn on any of the following spaces, your turn is over:

End of the Game
The first player to reach the "Winner" square #100 wins the game.
You can get there 2 ways:
Land there by exact count. If your spin would take you past square 100, don't move. Try again on your next turn.
Climb there by ending your move on ladder square 80.

Chutes and Ladder Games will be run on Monday's @:
1:00AM, 4:00AM, 9:00AM, 1:00PM, 4:30PM, 7:30PM, 10:30PM.


Click Here For Winners List